Mikhail Yurchuk is from the Khmelnytsky region. After school, the man worked at a glass factory and a furniture factory. However, at the age of 26, he decided to become a professional military man. “Since childhood, I have dreamed of becoming a military man. For me, this is about honor, duty. First, I served in a missile brigade, I was a rocket scientist, then I went to a military college for non-commissioned officers and finally went to the airborne brigade,” says Mikhail Yurchuk. When a full-scale war began, the military served in the Donbass. Then the brigade was moved to the Kharkov region. Michael was wounded there.
Сульфасалазин и 5-аминосалицилат Препараты 5-АСК обладают очень слабой иммуносупрессивной активностью. Нет сообщений о том, что эти препараты связаны с повышенным риском инфицирования, а исследования, оценивающие профиль безопасности 5-АСК, не демонстрируют повышенного риска серьезных или оппортунистических инфекций. Лечение 5-АСК следует продолжать, не беспокоясь о повышенном риске заражения или развития тяжелой формы COVID-19 . Если пациент находится в контакте с больным COVID-19 или у него развивается COVID-19, лечение 5-АСК следует продолжить.
Analyzing the subjective assessment of health by student youth (under the age of 25), we found the following: the vast majority of respondents, regardless of gender, rated their own health as "good" and "very good". Almost half of the guys and every fifth girl noted the criterion for assessing "excellent" health. About 2% of boys and 3% of girls noted that they have “excellent” health. The criteria for assessing the health of "mediocre" and "poor" for the children practically did not differ. Thus, “mediocre” health was observed in 15% of boys and 14% of girls; "bad" - 2% of boys and 2% of girls.
Moreover, low vitamin D levels common in patients with CVD may increase the risk and severity of COVID-19. This is because vitamin D increases levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines and reduces viral replication, which in turn can reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines that contribute to lung damage. Despite the lack of evidence demonstrating increased susceptibility to COVID-19, drugs used in the treatment of COPD increase the risk of respiratory tract infections to varying degrees. However, theoretically, some immunosuppressive drugs may have beneficial effects, given that the cause of death in COVID-19 is a cytokine storm leading to acute respiratory failure.