Реагирование на такие эпидемические вызовы очень сложны как организационно, так и финансово. Результат оценивается с течением времени при хорошо организованном эпидемиологическом надзоре. Согласно утвержденному плану реагирования на вспышку полиомиелита, возникшему в начале октября 2021 г., удалось только 1 февраля 2022 г. начать 1-й тур кампании. Он должен был длиться 3 недели и имел целью вакцинировать ИПВ 140 тыс. детей в возрасте от 6 мес. до 6 лет, пропустивших вакцинацию согласно Календарю. Практически к концу 3-й недели 1-го тура по состоянию на 18.02.2022 г. было провакцинировано лишь 28% детей от запланированного количества. Поэтому решили продлить 1-й тур еще дополнительно на 2 недели, что снова не было исполнено в связи с началом войны. Таким образом, фактически реагирования на вспышки полиомиелита не произошло.
Regardless of the period of the life cycle, it is necessary to increase self-esteem of health by optimizing the social environment, introducing the basics of a healthy lifestyle (in particular, various forms of self-realization, regular physical education and sports of optimal intensity, fitness, yoga, etc.). After all, inadequate self-assessment of one's own health can change a person's behavior in a negative direction, lead to the health of destructive or deviant forms of behavior.
Treatment with corticosteroids (especially prednisolone ≥20 mg/day or equivalent) is associated with an increased risk of infection. However, it is unclear whether corticosteroid therapy is associated with an increased risk of developing COVID-19 or its complications. Data on budesonide, a topical corticosteroid with low systemic bioavailability, show that these drugs are associated with significantly fewer side effects compared to systemic corticosteroids and their side effects are close to placebo. If possible, corticosteroids should be avoided and a rapid dose reduction considered, and a switch to budesonide is recommended. This must be taken into account, taking into account the risk of exacerbation of CKD. If a patient with COPD is in contact with a person with COVID-19 or develops COVID-19, it is recommended to gradually reduce the dose of corticosteroids, the use of budesonide is preferred, but taking into account the severity of COPD and the risk of exacerbation.
So, at the population level, health is a multifactorial phenomenon that includes both an objective and a subjective component. Considering that low self-esteem of health is a factor influencing its formation in young people, their choice of risky behavior, propensity for bad habits and psychological disorders, it is important to take into account the subjective component of health in adolescents and young people. the purpose of early detection of certain deviations in self-esteem or the impact on the formation of health of adverse factors, the effect of which can be minimized.