
+7 (965) 177 17 74

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инджредиентс морской ил абоут правовайа_информатсийа абоут правовайа_информатсийа абоут правовайа_информатсийа


В возрастной группе 44-60 лет 47% мужчин и 66% женщин оценили собственное здоровье как «хорошее» (р<0,05). Особенностью самооценки здоровья респондентов данной возрастной группы были более высокие уровни субъективной оценки здоровья у женщин, по сравнению с мужчинами: около 2% женщин субъективно оценили собственное здоровье как «отличное»; доля женщин, оценивших здоровье как «посредственное» была в два раза меньше по сравнению с мужчинами (32% против 17%; р<0,05).

Regardless of the period of the life cycle, it is necessary to increase self-esteem of health by optimizing the social environment, introducing the basics of a healthy lifestyle (in particular, various forms of self-realization, regular physical education and sports of optimal intensity, fitness, yoga, etc.). After all, inadequate self-assessment of one's own health can change a person's behavior in a negative direction, lead to the health of destructive or deviant forms of behavior.

“For the second month, we see an increase in the number of coronavirus diseases. Over the past week, 24,000 new cases were recorded, the week before that there were 16,000, that is, there is a gradual increase. Our experts, together with WHO experts, predict that this year the peak incidence will be at the beginning October... In previous years, it was the end of October - the beginning of November. We are preparing for this in order to provide proper medical care," the minister said.


It is the transition to the use of IPV in Ukraine for all doses of the Immunization Schedule that should be the next task for vaccination. For this, several mechanisms can be used, including humanitarian assistance, the conclusion of planned direct contracts with vaccine manufacturers based on the needs of the required composition of vaccines according to the Calendar, in particular, taking into account the existence of modern combined vaccines with IPV, which can also be used at an older age. In the absence of combination vaccines with IPV, IPV can be used as a single vaccine.

  • г. Москва,
  • м. Отрадное,
  • Высоковольтный проезд, д. 1, к. 7

+7 (965) 177 17 74

  • Режим работы:

10:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

10:00 до 18:00 сб-вс

Забор анализов:

9:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

9:00 до 18:00 сб-вс