
+7 (965) 177 17 74

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К шестой категории кожных проявлений коронавирусной инфекции ученые относят крапивницу, которая в некоторых случаях может быть предвестником начала COVID-19 . К последней (седьмой) категории можно отнести артифициальные (трофические) изменения тканей лица, возникшие у пациентов с искусственной вентиляцией легких и из-за длительного лежания на животе. Приведенные классификации были первыми описаниями поражений кожи при COVID-19 и поэтому приводились разные признаки: те, что были вызваны именно COVID-19 , и те, которые возникали вследствие различных причин, в частности, связанных с лечением заболевания. В связи с тем, что эти поражения нуждались в различных подходах как в лечении, так и в проведении противоэпидемических или мер предосторожности, мы, исходя из опыта всех этих месяцев наблюдения за больными, предлагаем классификацию поражений кожи, ассоциированные с COVID-19 . выложить следующим образом

The criteria for assessing their own health by young people (25-44 years old - according to the WHO classification) were distributed as follows: almost half of the respondents, regardless of gender, rated their own health as "good"; every 4th of those surveyed - as "very good"; “Mediocre” health was noted by every fifth woman and every tenth person; almost the same was the proportion of respondents who rated their own health as “bad”; the level of subjective assessment of "excellent health" was observed in every tenth man, while in women it was absent.

The criteria for assessing their own health by young people (25-44 years old - according to the WHO classification) were distributed as follows: almost half of the respondents, regardless of gender, rated their own health as "good"; every 4th of those surveyed - as "very good"; “Mediocre” health was noted by every fifth woman and every tenth person; almost the same was the proportion of respondents who rated their own health as “bad”; the level of subjective assessment of "excellent health" was observed in every tenth man, while in women it was absent.


"It was an ordinary day, a cold morning. I was sleeping after a night shift and woke up from the fact that massive shelling had begun. A tank unit of 16 tanks approached us. Our armored personnel carrier was shot down before my eyes and I ran to help pull the guys out, but did not I ran a little, there were about seven meters left, I could hear the whistle of shells, explosions and darkness ... I rubbed my eyes from the ground and saw that there was a bare bone in the place of the arm, I thought that I should see what was happening with my legs, if I could move. "I thought that I would die, but I was lying, I realized that I would not die for a long time, that I would live and I had to do something, and I put on a tourniquet," the military man says.

  • г. Москва,
  • м. Отрадное,
  • Высоковольтный проезд, д. 1, к. 7

+7 (965) 177 17 74

  • Режим работы:

10:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

10:00 до 18:00 сб-вс

Забор анализов:

9:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

9:00 до 18:00 сб-вс