
+7 (965) 177 17 74

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In regions where there are no active hostilities, it is necessary to intensify the process of polio vaccination of both local and displaced children under 6 years of age with an additional dose of inactivated vaccine and continue vaccination by age in accordance with the Immunization Schedule against all infectious diseases controlled by specific means. For the prevention of poliomyelitis, preference should be given to an inactivated vaccine for all

In 2021, in Ukraine, vaccination coverage rates for children under 1 year of age against such infections as tuberculosis, measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, etc. ranged from 78% to 80.1% (with the required level >90 %), which is undoubtedly not enough to recognize the epidemic situation under control. In particular, this figure for 3 vaccinations against polio at the age of up to 1 year was 80.1%, 5 vaccinations at the age of 6 years received only 78.4% of children. At the same time, vaccination coverage rates varied widely across regions. In 12 regions, among children under 1 year old, they were <80% and ranged from 68.5% to 73.9%, and among children under 18 months. (4 vaccinations) - 66% to 73%. That is, almost 20-30% of children did not receive routine vaccination against poliomyelitis due to age in the above target groups, subject to vaccination according to the Immunization Schedule.

5-ASA preparations have very weak immunosuppressive activity. There are no reports that these drugs are associated with an increased risk of infection, and studies evaluating the safety profile of 5-ASA do not show an increased risk of serious or opportunistic infections. Treatment with 5-ASA should be continued without concern for an increased risk of infection or severe COVID-19. If the patient is in contact with a patient with COVID-19 or develops COVID-19, treatment with 5-ASA should be continued.


При переходе к биологической терапии необходимо рассмотреть возможность подкожного введения, чтобы ограничить контакт пациента с медицинским учреждением. Выборочный переход от внутривенных инфузий инфликсимаба к препаратам анти-TNF с подкожным введением не рекомендуется, поскольку это может увеличить риск рецидива. Если пациент находится в контакте с человеком COVID-19, необходимо рассмотреть возможность отказа от терапии анти-TNF в течение 2 недель. Если у пациента положительный результат теста на SARS-CoV-2 и/или у него развивается COVID-19, необходимо рассмотреть возможность отказа от биопрепаратов до тех пор пока пациент не избавится от инфекции.

  • г. Москва,
  • м. Отрадное,
  • Высоковольтный проезд, д. 1, к. 7

+7 (965) 177 17 74

  • Режим работы:

10:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

10:00 до 18:00 сб-вс

Забор анализов:

9:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

9:00 до 18:00 сб-вс