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The use of thiopurine (azathioprine and mercaptopurine) reduces the immune response to viruses, which is associated with an increased risk of opportunistic infections. There is limited evidence that they increase the risk of respiratory infections. The risks and benefits should be considered, but most patients can continue on a stable dose. In patients in stable remission, elderly patients and in the presence of concomitant pathology, it is recommended to stop taking thiopurine. During a pandemic, it is recommended to avoid starting thiopurine or increasing the dose, which will allow patients to avoid potential side effects. If the patient is in contact with a COVID-19 person, temporary withdrawal of thiopurine for 2 weeks should be considered. If a patient tests positive for SARS-CoV-2 and/or develops COVID-19, temporary discontinuation of thiopurine may be recommended until the patient clears the infection.

Back in 2002, according to the justification of the Institute, inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) was introduced into the Immunization Calendar of Ukraine for the 1st vaccination against poliomyelitis (children continued to receive OPV for the remaining 5 doses by age). In 2006, this vaccine was also used for the second vaccination. This made it possible to first reduce and then practically stop the cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis in Ukraine. Since then, the issue of switching to a full IPV vaccination scheme in Ukraine has been repeatedly raised, as has been practiced for many years in all European countries, the USA, Canada, and Australia. Currently, this problem is becoming even more urgent, given both the epidemic situation and the prospects for Ukraine's accession to the EU.

The use of thiopurine (azathioprine and mercaptopurine) reduces the immune response to viruses, which is associated with an increased risk of opportunistic infections. There is limited evidence that they increase the risk of respiratory infections. The risks and benefits should be considered, but most patients can continue on a stable dose. In patients in stable remission, elderly patients and in the presence of concomitant pathology, it is recommended to stop taking thiopurine. During a pandemic, it is recommended to avoid starting thiopurine or increasing the dose, which will allow patients to avoid potential side effects. If the patient is in contact with a COVID-19 person, temporary withdrawal of thiopurine for 2 weeks should be considered. If a patient tests positive for SARS-CoV-2 and/or develops COVID-19, temporary discontinuation of thiopurine may be recommended until the patient clears the infection.


The last (seventh) category includes artificial (trophic) changes in facial tissues that occurred in patients with artificial lung ventilation and due to prolonged lying on the stomach. The classifications given were the first descriptions of skin lesions in COVID-19 and therefore different signs were given: those that were caused specifically by COVID-19, and those that arose due to various causes, in particular those associated with the treatment of the disease. Due to the fact that these lesions required different approaches in both treatment and anti-epidemic or precautionary measures, we, based on the experience of all these months of observation of patients, propose a classification of skin lesions associated with COVID-19. lay out like this

  • г. Москва,
  • м. Отрадное,
  • Высоковольтный проезд, д. 1, к. 7

+7 (965) 177 17 74

  • Режим работы:

10:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

10:00 до 18:00 сб-вс

Забор анализов:

9:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

9:00 до 18:00 сб-вс