
+7 (965) 177 17 74

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сцгварзкопф профессионал линии бц цолор фреезе сижаниже цвета абоут правовайа_информатсийа абоут правовайа_информатсийа абоут правовайа_информатсийа


"На тот момент я считал, что лучше уж смерть, чем быть без конечностей. Был такой случай, что я получил гранату, хотел взорвать себя, сказал товарищам, чтобы отошли, но они сказали: "Нет, если у тебя есть желание, давай вместе с нами". И я ее спрятал. Товарищи меня спасли, тащили через ад. Я им много раз говорил, оставьте меня, где-то среди домов, вернитесь, если я буду жив. Но они сказали, что мы тебя не оставим и тянули. Возле нас разрывались снаряды, а они не испугались, вовремя меня дотянули. Я благодарен товарищам и не имею права их подвести. Должен жить дальше, чтобы они не зря рисковали своей жизнью", - говорит Михаил Юрчук.

According to him, now there are 5.5 thousand patients in hospitals who have been diagnosed with coronavirus disease. Of these, 2,300 are on beds with oxygen therapy, and most of them receive it. To prevent logistical problems, at the end of last year, state funding was allocated through several mechanisms: one in the form of centralized purchases, one in the form of subventions provided to the regions in order to purchase autonomous sources of oxygen supply. On September 15, the Ministry of Health sent 124,608 packages of the Paxclovid drug for coronavirus disease to the regions. The medicine is prescribed primarily to patients at risk to prevent the complex course of coronavirus disease.

The criteria for assessing their own health by young people (25-44 years old - according to the WHO classification) were distributed as follows: almost half of the respondents, regardless of gender, rated their own health as "good"; every 4th of those surveyed - as "very good"; “Mediocre” health was noted by every fifth woman and every tenth person; almost the same was the proportion of respondents who rated their own health as “bad”; the level of subjective assessment of "excellent health" was observed in every tenth man, while in women it was absent.


Considering that a similar picture took place in previous years, in Ukraine there was an accumulation of a layer susceptible to poliomyelitis among the child population. In addition, since April 2016, the oral (live) polio vaccine (OPV), which is used in Ukraine, since the 3rd vaccination, does not contain type 2 poliovirus (two-component OPV, which is now used worldwide, contains only polioviruses). ). type ov1 and 3). This also contributes to a decrease in both individual and population immunity to type 2 poliovirus. The result was an outbreak of poliomyelitis caused by vaccine-derived type 2 poliovirus (a vaccine-derived virus that acquired neurovirulent properties during circulation in a low immune population.). There was no adequate response to this outbreak, namely additional vaccination rounds for children under 6 years of age to stop the circulation of the vaccine-related virus. In January 2022, a new outbreak emerged.

  • г. Москва,
  • м. Отрадное,
  • Высоковольтный проезд, д. 1, к. 7

+7 (965) 177 17 74

  • Режим работы:

10:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

10:00 до 18:00 сб-вс

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9:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

9:00 до 18:00 сб-вс