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At present, the risk of increased circulation of vaccine-related polioviruses and associated outbreaks with a low level of vaccination coverage against the background of the use of an oral vaccine is also complicated by military operations in the country, leading to the destruction of the infrastructure of cities and towns, intensive migration and evacuation of the population. Ukraine, and to regions where there are no active hostilities (Chernivtsi, Transcarpathian, Lvov, Volyn regions). These areas were the ones with the lowest polio vaccination rates in 2021.

In regions where there are no active hostilities, it is necessary to intensify the process of polio vaccination of both local and displaced children under 6 years of age with an additional dose of inactivated vaccine and continue vaccination by age in accordance with the Immunization Schedule against all infectious diseases controlled by specific means. For the prevention of poliomyelitis, preference should be given to an inactivated vaccine for all

Анализируя субъективную оценку здоровья студенческой молодежью (в возрасте до 25 лет) нами было установлено следующее: подавляющее большинство респондентов независимо от пола оценили собственное здоровье как «хорошо» и «очень хорошо». Критерий оценки «отлично» здоровья отмечали почти половина парней и каждая пятая девушка. Около 2% парней и 3% девушек отметили, что имеют «отличное» здоровье. Критерии оценки здоровья «посредственное» и «плохое» у ребят практически не отличались. Так, «посредственное» здоровье отмечено у 15% парней и у 14% девушек; «плохое» – у 2% парней и у 2% девушек.


“For the second month, we see an increase in the number of coronavirus diseases. Over the past week, 24,000 new cases were recorded, the week before that there were 16,000, that is, there is a gradual increase. Our experts, together with WHO experts, predict that this year the peak incidence will be at the beginning October... In previous years, it was the end of October - the beginning of November. We are preparing for this in order to provide proper medical care," the minister said.

  • г. Москва,
  • м. Отрадное,
  • Высоковольтный проезд, д. 1, к. 7

+7 (965) 177 17 74

  • Режим работы:

10:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

10:00 до 18:00 сб-вс

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9:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

9:00 до 18:00 сб-вс