
+7 (965) 177 17 74

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During the fighting near Izyum in the spring of 2022, military Mikhail Yurchuk received a complex wound. As a result, the man lost an arm and a leg. First, he was fitted with a prosthetic leg, and recently at the Lviv National Rehabilitation Center "Indestructible" - a modern bionic prosthetic arm. Thanks to special sensors, it can reproduce familiar movements. Now the warrior is undergoing rehabilitation. This was reported in the First TMO Lviv.

In the age group of 44-60 years, 47% of men and 66% of women rated their own health as "good" (p<0.05). A feature of the self-assessment of health of the respondents of this age group was higher levels of subjective assessment of health in women compared to men: about 2% of women subjectively assessed their own health as "excellent"; the proportion of women who rated their health as "mediocre" was two times less compared to men (32% versus 17%; p<0.05). In the group of older people (over 61 years of age), gender characteristics of the distribution of self-assessment of health by respondents were also established. Thus, half of the men surveyed rated their own health as “good”, which was three times more than women (53% versus 18%, p<0.01). In women, on the contrary, the share of those who rated their own health as “mediocre” was 17% higher. Almost every fifth woman of this age considers her own health to be “bad”, while not a single man gave such an assessment. High health scores (“excellent” and “very good”) were absent for both men and women.

"Это был обычный день, холодное утро. Я спал после ночного дежурства и проснулся от того, что начался массированный обстрел. На нас вышло танковое подразделение в количестве 16 танков. На моих глазах был подбит наш БТР и я побежал помогать вытаскивать ребят, но не Добежал немного, оставалось около семи метров, было слышно свист снарядов, взрывы и тьма... Я протер глаза от земли и увидел, что на месте руки голая кость, подумал, что надо посмотреть, что там с ногами, смогу ли передвигаться .Увидел, что нога была сильно разбита. Я думал, что я погибну, но лежал, понял, что долго не умираю, что буду жить и надо что-то делать, и наложил турникет", - говорит военный.


When transitioning to biological therapy, subcutaneous administration should be considered to limit patient contact with the healthcare facility. Selective switching from intravenous infliximab to subcutaneous anti-TNF is not recommended as it may increase the risk of relapse. If the patient is in contact with a COVID-19 person, withdrawal of anti-TNF therapy for 2 weeks should be considered.

  • г. Москва,
  • м. Отрадное,
  • Высоковольтный проезд, д. 1, к. 7

+7 (965) 177 17 74

  • Режим работы:

10:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

10:00 до 18:00 сб-вс

Забор анализов:

9:00 до 20:00 пн-пт

9:00 до 18:00 сб-вс